2022 Literature Bursary from the Arts Council of Ireland.
Joint second place, 2015 Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award for an unpublished collection.
Winner, 2011 Dromineer Literary Festival Poetry Competition.
Poems published in the The Stinging Fly, The Interpreter's House, Saturday Independent (New Irish Writing) and Crannóg Magazine.
short stories
Florence Stories
The Strangler Tree (issue 110, Confrontation Magazine)
Colette Went Quiet (Issue 16, The Manchester Review)
None of Us Will Be Okay (Issue 45, Mslexia; shortlisted for the RTE Radio 1 Short Story Award)
‘Shot through with a wry humour that edges towards the savage.’ Christina Patterson.
In Kalamazoo (LITRO Magazine)
’You Cannot Look at the Risen Sun’, Southword, 2009, shortlisted for the Sean O’Faolain International Short Story Competition.
‘Retreat’ (a novella, released as a Kindle Single, Amazon UK).
articles, essays, reviews
Greenways and ghost estates: Plotting a novel in our post-crash landscape, Irish Times, July 2022.
On the pleasure of dread, writing.ie, June 2022.
Only connect: On Dermot Healy’s Long Time, No See, Dublin Review of Books, April 2022.
From literary to genre fiction, writing.ie, June 2021.
Biography of Dermot Healy, Dictionary of Irish Biography, 2021.
Restless peripheries: Wild birds in the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, ISLE Magazine, Oxford University Press, 2020.
The note for grief: Review of The Travels of Sorrow by Dermot Healy, Dublin Review of Books, March 2017.
Suffer the little children: Review of Little Witness by Connie Roberts, Dublin Review of Books, October 2016.
Reading the psychological thriller: A substack
A Living Word, RTE Radio 1, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Francis MacManus Programme, RTE Radio 1, 2009.
Sunday Miscellany, RTE Radio 1, 2004.