I’m developing a new online fiction writing course.

Each week, over an eight-week period, there will be one class and one workshop.

The classes

Six classes will focus on an aspect of fiction writing:

  • character=yearning=plot;

  • tension and suspense;

  • structure and pacing (I’m convinced most fiction courses don’t give structure enough attention);

  • dialogue;

  • the scene and within that the humble paragraph; and

  • the right detail.

There will be a reading list and all classes will involve close consideration of these issues in chosen texts.

The final two classes will be about more practical matters, like fitting writing in to your busy life and getting an agent.

The workshops

Every student will submit a ms. in advance of the course (max 3,000 words). Every student will read every manuscript. At each weekly workshop, at least one of these manuscripts will be workshopped, with the emphasis on specific and constructive feedback. Students will also receive detailed feedback from me on their manuscript (line-by-line editing and comments, and a feedback report).

If you’re interested, drop me a line via the contact page, email (thefictionshed@gmail.com) or on twitter.